Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Logarithmic Frequency Increase

Set up a program to logarithmically increase the frequency of the AD5932. It operates in 3 decades, 10kHz - 100kHz, 100kHz - 1MHz, and 1MHz to 10 Mhz. It does 9 frequencies in each decade, spaced evenly across the decade.

The video below has a couple errors, it repeats 100 kHz twice and doesn't reach 10MHz, instead stopping at 9MHz. That has since been fixed.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Fixed AD5932 Control, 100 kHz to 1 MHz

Fixed the programming of the AD5932 frequency generator. I changed the bit of the control register that defines how the frequency registers are program so that the two Fstart and two deltaf registers are programmed separately rather than sequentially. I think that since the Arduino can only transfer 8 bits over SPI at a time, the small delay between the two bytes being sent wasn't received too well.

I also measured some sort of divider constant. If I programmed, say, 100 kHz straight into the Fstart register, the sweep wouldn't actually start at 100 kHz. I measured how far off from what I wanted Fstart to be the first frequency was for various divider constants applied to the value programmed into the AD5932. Using the slope from these measurements I ended up using a divider constant of 100 to get the sweep to start at the frequency I wanted.

I also did a similar technique to get a divider constant for the frequency increment.

I'm going to read over the AD5932 datasheet again to make sure they don't provide these constants. Because I have no memory of this sort of thing being mentioned in the datasheet at all.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

AD5932 Control

I've somewhat successfully programmed the Arduino to control the AD5932. For some reason every other frequency is a jumbled mess. Not entirely sure why. I'm going to try continuous increments rather than CTRL pin-based increments tomorrow.

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Mixer Test 2

Successful testing of the multiplier IC's

Today we successfully tested the multiplier IC's. Pre-filter, the output frequency was twice the input frequencies (as expected) and the amplitudes were very close to:

Vout = (V1*V2)/20

Post filter and DC coupled, the average output value was very close to:

Vout = (V1*V2)/20 * cos(Theta)

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Successful testing of the solenoid valve

The solenoid valve was tested with the arduino mcu to show switching between two states. The valve being used is normally closed. 

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Analog part testing

The ordered parts have been received and are ready to be tested. Here is a list of the parts-
1. Multipliers/Dividers (Analog Devices Inc.)- 8x
2. Eval Board (Analog Device Inc.)- 1x 
3. Programmable Frequency Generator (Analog Devices Inc.)- 2x
4. Phase Shifter (Analog Devices Inc.) -2x

Also our custom PCB is under development in the ECEN equipment room and should be available by Wednesday. 

Monday, November 4, 2013

Impedance Reading

Added code for reading impedances. The impedance is currently read every second using a timer overflow interrupt, and after the impedance is successfully read, a signal is sent to the frequency generator telling it to move on to the next frequency.

Friday, November 1, 2013

Solenoid Valve test

Testing Solenoid valve (SMC's SY114-6LZ) with the arduino code and preliminary circuit. 

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Serial Communication with the AD5932 Programmable Frequency Scan Waveform Generator

The software for writing to the registers of the AD5932 has been completed.

AD734 Test PCB

Working on designing a test PCB for the analog mixers we have ordered from Mouser Electronics. Two samples have been ordered and hopefully the test PCB will be ready by the time the parts arrive. The figure below is the basic configuration for using the AD734 as a multiplier. 
Other notes about the AD734:
-Slew Rate of 450 V/us.
-Open loop gain of 72dB = 15.85e6
-Input resistances of 50k. at X,Y,Z interfaces.

Online Purchase of products for initial testing

We ordered 2 phase sifters (AD83333) from Analog Devices, making a PCB in Altium for the mixers (AD 734) for first level testing. We are also in talks with Eugenia Costea, Business Associate, Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering regarding the tax exempt form for making online purchases. 

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

I'm Jon

i dont always post on blogs, but when i do, its because im forced #mostinterestingmanintheworld



My name is Deepak and I am working on the microfluidics for this senior design project.

At the moment, several simulations on COMSOL have been be run to understand the relationship between inlet pressure and resultant flow speed. The dimensions of the channel under simulation have been- [10x10, 50x50, 100x100, 200x200] micron-squared meters cross-sections and 5mm length.

Currently, Taylor and I are working on acquiring a solenoid valve and in-line pressure sensors for correctly reading pressure and using a comparison algorithm to maintain the required pressure in the device. 

Hello world

This is the first post of the electronic form of our journal.